Where are post offices?


To the editor:

Congratulations on your latest edition of your reference booklet, “Living in Riverdale.”

For last year’s edition, there were various omissions, including nursing homes, and you published a letter mentioning this fact. But why didn’t you act on the letter and print a supplement to the 2017-18 manual? Your readers deserved that information, but you did not correct the omission.

In the current edition, post offices, as usual, are omitted. There are four post offices in Riverdale, and they deserve as much mention as yoga or libraries. Can you kindly correct this omission, do the right thing, and print a listing of the four post offices entries — names, phone numbers, addresses and hours?

It is not easy including necessary reference material. But if your readers are insightful enough to notice a key omission, then you can correct this unintentional error and give us a supplement to your booklet, which we can insert inside the edition itself.

That is what is called for. And is brand loyalty for The Riverdale Press.

Marc Sawyer

Marc Sawyer,
