Save the flagpole


To the editor:

I have a concern about the derelict flagpole that is located next to the Riverdale Bell Tower/Monument on Riverdale Avenue and West 239th Street.

Where is the community spirit that would correct such an obvious affront to the American soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, and whose names dignify the monument?

Certainly it would not be a prohibitive cost to repair the flagpole and place a flag upon it. Are we so busy or distracted that we cannot address such a civic duty — especially considering the flagpole was paid for by Riverdalians through a subscription drive in 1955.

Rick Feldman


Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published).
Rick Feldman,
